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Metrics & Reporting

We help customers make sense of metrics and reporting

Today’s most successful organizations have built their operations around data-driven decision making.

The reason is clear. Analytics deliver insights into customer behavior. And today’s enterprises want analytics for everything—including IT.

Therefore, you need to use key performance indicators to make business improvements. This is where metrics & reporting becomes so important.

Now, measuring performance is not a new idea. What has changed is that everyone wants to start measuring.

Business users now demand more information—and they want it quicker than ever before. So programmers and developers responsible for selecting business intelligence (BI) tools and delivering performance metrics have had to give up some control.

The rise of self-service tools has created new challenges and caused some fears that technology professionals are being asked to:

  1. Think in terms of the business and its information needs
  2. Open the door to vulnerabilities, such as the risk of lost, modified, or stolen data

By implementing key performance indicator reporting, and understanding metrics, we are able to help you make educated decisions within your online business operation.

Call the staff at Studio 29 Web Design today to learn more about how we can help you start tracking better metrics, and make reports that work for your business.